Week 5 Web Interface Design

I have loved learning all of the ins and outs that we have been exploring with HTML and CSS thus far.  Although last week proved to be more difficult.  I spent many hours just working on the same aspect regarding the code for the lab assignment.  I researched many different codes to make my slideshow, and even had a couple that worked very well for me, only I couldn't figure out how to implement the text into the image. So I decided to go with the one that the professor provided into the lab assignment.  This one still caused me many problems in which I spent many hours trying to correct. My eyes were blurring and hurting by the time I decided to give up and turn it in as is.  The code  I chose needed to be adjusted when adding the 5 more slides than what was originally programmed into it. This part of the code I just couldn't figure out how to increment correctly to get the desired result.  So the beginning of my slideshow worked flawlessly for the first few images, then they started overlapping and not transitioning accordingly.  I am hoping with our continued learning experience over the next few weeks may help me to better understand where I went wrong on fixing this code.  I am including screenshots below showing the beginning where it worked flawlessly and the end where it starts to overlap.

Now below, you can begin to see where the images overlap and so does the text. 

I feel good about my course project as well. I feel like I am inching along nicely, and ready to get more work in on my project.  I am pleased with how it is beginning to come together and look like a real website! I have included a couple of screenshots of my first 2 complete web pages for my web site!

This is my home page:

This is my fitness page: 
