Week 5 Web Interface Design
I have loved learning all of the ins and outs that we have been exploring with HTML and CSS thus far. Although last week proved to be more difficult. I spent many hours just working on the same aspect regarding the code for the lab assignment. I researched many different codes to make my slideshow, and even had a couple that worked very well for me, only I couldn't figure out how to implement the text into the image. So I decided to go with the one that the professor provided into the lab assignment. This one still caused me many problems in which I spent many hours trying to correct. My eyes were blurring and hurting by the time I decided to give up and turn it in as is. The code I chose needed to be adjusted when adding the 5 more slides than what was originally programmed into it. This part of the code I just couldn't figure out how to increment correctly to get the desired result. So the beginning of my slideshow worked flawlessly for the fi...